Always chasing sunsets

Always pull over for the sunset. I’ve found the most beautiful sunsets here and I wanted to share with all of you.

I took this one on my rebel canon. I love photography and I’m trying to get better at using my setting instead of just using the point and shoot option. Some photos on my blog are taken by my husband or others, but for the most part I’m the person behind the camera and my expert skills of making a tripod out of anything 😁

While I love photography, I try not to photograph everything everytime. I think we’ve forgotten how to sit in peace without technology. I’m guilty of it too. Sometimes moments just need to be enjoyed.

This one is for your enjoyment though!


    • Thanks for checking my blog out 🙂 I couldn’t agree more! I’d love to get my blog going so I’m going to have to find a balance that I’m going to be happy with. In terms of sharing photos and stories but also knowing when I should put the camera down and not get lost in technology!


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